Find YouR Perfect Home

Senaa Real Estate is a property management and maintenance agency that prides ourselves with service and low commision rates.

Contact an Agent!

498 Holloway Rd, London N7 6JA



We charge a fairly competitive rate of 10% for our property management services.


We focus on helping you find the right tenant and reducing void periods.


We have an in depth understanding of the property sector &  offer advice. 

We have the expertise to help you find your perfect home

We know the ins and outs of the real estate market, and we can help you find a home that fits your needs and budget. We’ll work with you to find the perfect home for you and your family.

We offer expert advice and information on the market.

We have a wide range of knowledge and experience, and we’re always happy to share it with you. We’re dedicated to providing you with honest and expert advice about the market.

We’ll find a property to suit your needs.

If you’re looking for a property, we’ll do our best to find one that suits your needs. We’ll show you any property that interests you, even if it’s not on our website or in your price range.





Opening Times

Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00

Saturday 12:00-16:00

Sunday Closed

All Rights Reserved © Senaa Real Estate